We offer professional looking badges in a variety of formats. Our standard sizes are 3x4 or 3.5x4 with string lanyards or clip holders. Custom sizes are available by request.

Our standard badges are easy to read and can be printed with a code indicating the colour of the badge holder for required.


Show management can designate access privileges for each registrant based on the registration category and easily identify these categories by the color of the badge strip at the bottom of the badge holder or category labels imprinted on each name badge.

Each namebadge can include a Code 39 or PDF bar-code for tracking visitor attendance or for use with our on-site lead retrieval service. Event tickets for seminars, lunches, dinners and draws can also be printed with the badge. No separate line-ups.

Name badges can be pre-printed prior to your next event or we can provide a full onsite registration system. If all your registrants are pre-registered, we can print your badges from the registration database and ship them out by overnight courier, pre-sorted alphabetically by last name and category. We can include a percentage of generic badges for distribution to late arrivals.

Mailer badges can be printed and sent out prior to the event, reducing the line up onsite for pre-registered badges. These badges can include promotional information, directions to the event and the event schedule.

Lanyards are also available. These can all be imprinted with your organization’s logo or the logo of a sponsor.

Request for Proposal

 Get a quote for your next event but completing this short form.